Hungry Twenties

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Bagel & Lox Platter

Looks can be deceiving, this Bagel & Lox platter was the easiest thing to throw together this morning. After a long night of champagne (or whichever poison you prefer) for New Years Eve this breakfast takes almost no prep time. The best part is as your friends are sleeping on every viable soft surface in your house you can whip this breakfast and crawl right back into bed.

Please adjust these numbers for a Smaller-Medium sized crowd. If you are having a large crowd or if your friends really eat a lot you will want to double the medium numbers.

12-24oz Lox
8-16oz Cream Cheese
1 Red Onion - Small or Medium
1 Tomato - Large
1 Avocado - Sliced
1 Lemon - Sliced
6-12 Assorted Bagels - Everything, Pumpernickel & Plain (standard crowd pleasers)


Slice onion, tomato and lemon*. Slice the avocado. On a large serving platter or cutting board place the lox and cream cheese in the center. Add onion, tomato, lemon and avocado to the serving platter. Sprinkle caper in between the other ingredients. On a separate plate or in a serving bowl place the bagels. Cheers.

Pro Tip:

*If you have a mandolin this is the time to use it. I used the thin setting for the lemon and the onion and the thick setting for the tomato.